Hills African Dance with Odai Affotey
"When we dance the Earth trembles. When our steps fall on the Earth we feel the shudder of life beneath us, and the Earth feels the beating of our hearts, and we become one with the Earth. We shall not sever ourselves from the Earth. We must chant our being, and we must dance in time with the rhythms of the Earth. We must keep the Earth."
~ N. Scott Mamaday Odai Affotey is a cultural custodian of Southern Ghanaian dance and music traditions. Our 1.5 hour traditional dance classes at are all-inclusive, and are supported by a live drum ensemble led by Ghanaian Kpanlogo master and Djembefola Seth Odai. African dance is very uplifting and strengthening, and provides a wonderful opportunity to create and move with others and meet new like-minded folks. It is a joyful way towards all-round wellness and really enhances your sensitivity to music! REGISTER FOR A CLASSWatch this Space for more upcoming dance classes in 2025, or contact us to organise a special event for your community!